Monday, June 1, 2009

::Editing Options::

I thought it might be nice to do a little post about editing options.  I've had so many people see a photo I've shot and ask what type of editing I did and if they can have that same editing done on their images as well, so here's a chance to see the most common effects I enjoy doing on my photography.  If you see something you like, feel free to request it!  I never add extra charges for optional edits, so the possibilities are unlimited.  Thanks everyone, and enjoy!

Basic Black and White Conversion:


Antique [with Softened Edges]:

Softened Edges [seen here with a black and white conversion]:

Faded Color [seen here with a corner vignette]:

Those are all the most common ones you'll see, but I also sometimes do selective coloring, although I generally do so only by request.  However, I'm perfectly willing to do so for anyone who requests it!  Of course, if you've seen a certain effect somewhere else and would like to apply the concept to your photos, the chances are high that I can oblige, and as always, I'm happy to entertain special requests!  So put on your creative caps, everyone, and let's make your images something truly special!