Sunday, August 23, 2009

Brand New! First Year "Sprout Up" Portraits!

After numerous requests, Starshine Imagery has made a brand new package for all the little babies out there! Babies grow so fast, and now, we're offering an ongoing one year package called Sprout Up Portraits, that covers five portrait sessions with your little one, including newborn portraits, 3 month, 6 month, and 9 month portraits, and then a final session when your little bitty sprout is one year old.

We've priced Sprout Up Portraits with a great deal of consideration, and for the first two months of our brand new package, we'll be offering Sprout Up Portraits for $150 as a package - that's 5 sessions for the price of 3! What a deal! The starter price for the brand new package will run now through October 15th, so you have plenty of time to lock in on the low price.

After October 15th, Sprout Up Portraits will switch to their normal package price of $200 - still a 20% discount! - so hurry and book your session for your little one and take advantage of our brand new portrait package. Even if your brand new bundle of joy isn't due for a few more months, as long as you book your first Sprout Up session before October 15th, the $150 package price is yours! So get in touch and get your little one ready, and we'll help you watch them as they Sprout Up!


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