Friday, December 11, 2009

December Specials!

December specials are up, posted, and ready to go!

Since it's the holiday season, we've taken some extra special care to give you some great discounts so that you can give more this Christmas. What better gift that the gift of capturing memories? Truly, it's a priceless present, but we've made certain that it doesn't turn out to be pricey. Check out our specials for this month and get in touch with us!

This holiday, give the gift of photography and make your gift into something divine.

Welcome Back, Tiffany!

Our primary photographer, Tiffany, is back and, one might say, better than ever!

After battling family crisis on all fronts, and combating numerous setbacks, she's back with a new sense of style and even a new haircut. We really like both. Especially the haircut! She's gotten teary-eyed so many times over the warm and wonderful messages she's received supporting her and her family, and we can't thank you enough for all the compassion you've all provided for her.

We have to say, as Tiffany usually runs everything here single-handedly, we don't know how she does it! We've been absolutely lost without her. After holding down the fort during her well-justified absence, nobody understands how she's able to do it alone. One might call her a veritable wonderwoman. We certainly like to think that she's our superhero! Always humble and constantly critiquing her own work to make sure you get the most out of your portraits, she's a continuous work in progress at her own request, and it's just one more thing we love about her.

If you're ready to book your session, you're in luck, because Tiffany's the one you want on the job. She has a knack for tailoring everything she does to each client on an individual basis, and she pays extra special attention to all her wedding photography since, as she likes to put it, "God forbid anyone would have to go what we [Tiffany and Zac] went through with our wedding photography!"

Tiffany has done everything from constructing entire websites from scratch to intensely editing every photo in a wedding set spending plenty of all-nighters on the task. She has an amazing sense of care and compassion and we're so, so happy to have her back where she belongs - at the head of our photography business.

Send over an e-mail at to welcome her back or leave a comment for her! She'll really appreciate it! And it will most likely make her blush.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Thanks to all of our clients, who have showered us with well wishes and warm thoughts, as well as our photography friends who we cherish so dearly, we've undergone a huge transition from Starshine Imagery to Divine Image Photography.

Adding a few new photographers [although we still have our primaries] as well as some great new ideas and availability times, we're thrilled to introduce our new creative endeavor to all of you! We are also constructing a brand new website to reflect all our fun and fantastic changes so that you can enjoy your images and memories even more.

We're now back up and running with brand new specials and packages for everyone, and a special token of thanks for every person who has stood beside us through all the tumultuous times. We're so excited to embark on our new creative journey with all of you, and we hope that we can continue to help in preserving your precious memories for a lifetime.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to each and every person who has kept our families in their thoughts as well as the family of Rachel Leek, who will be forever in our hearts and memories. Your thoughts and prayers are so greatly appreciated. We simply can not thank everyone enough for all the kindness we have received. Please, continue to send those warm thoughts, especially to Rachel's family. It means the world to us!

As always, our main focus is our clients. To this day, when others ask what got us started, and what inspired us to choose photography as an integral part of our lives, we always respond with this: people. Each and every person is different. Every individual is truly unique. And every moment is incomparable. Our lives are fulfilled by preserving those moments for you, and capturing every special memory so that you can enjoy it for a lifetime. Just as each memory is priceless, each image is divine. And so are you!

Thank you so much for helping us continue in our path of making your moments, your memories, and your images, truly divine.

With Love,
Divine Image Photography

Monday, September 21, 2009

{Eli + CJ}

Honestly, these two just charmed my camera lens right off. With those golden curls, Eli's sure to be a heartbreaker before he's ever in school, and CJ, the brand new baby brother, has a sweet and calm personality with deep, thoughtful eyes. Together, they were two of the handsomest little men I've ever done portraits for. CJ even wore his little onesie that said "Born At Home With Love" on it, which happened to be made for Mama by a friend in honor of her decision to plan a home birth for CJ, which of course, went wonderfully. I got to talk and hang out with Mom throughout our session as well, while she fed CJ or switched Eli's clothes, and I have to say that she is a simply wonderful person to chat with. Relaxed and composed {which is difficult with little ones!} it was so nice to have some "mom chat" while we went through our session. With CJ planning to do the Sprout Up Portraits, I just can't wait to see how big he gets for his 6 month session!






See the full album here!

{The Calm Blue Sea}

Lately, I've been doing lots of event photography, and some of my personal favorites are concerts. It's a different style for sure, and a different feel altogether, but I've found that I love portrait work every bit as much as event photography, and I even incorporate my love of portraiture into my concert photography. Here's one that I shot the other night downtown at the Replay Lounge, where I have seen many, many great bands in the past, and this particular night, I was not disappointed. Comprised of four boys from Austin, Texas, post-rock instrumentals, and an amazing tranquil feel, I'd like to introduce you to The Calm Blue Sea.






Also playing that night were Schumann's Resonance and Tarkus Attacks. To check out all the entertainment from the show, you can find the full album on Flickr!

Sunday, September 20, 2009


I always enjoy boudoir sessions, and I hadn't had the chance to do one for a while until just recently with Rachel. She happens to have a natural classic beauty about her that radiates no matter what, but with a vintage style and gorgeous low lighting, that beauty truly came out in her boudoir session. Immense thanks to a lovely girl who doesn't need a photographer with a big camera to make her look as beautiful as she is. What amazing natural beauty!






See the full album here!

Monday, September 14, 2009


This guys is full of energy and the ripe old age of 8, considers himself to be quite photogenic. Not half bad! He chose his favorite playground for his portraits, and we had a blast. He even offered several suggestions on poses or activities to do while I was shooting. What creativity at such an early age! And of course he's a pretty handsome little guy, too. We might just have a future photographer on our hands here!






See the full album here!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

{Alexia, Brayden, and Maycie}

This rambunctious trio was more than ready to play in the flower beds for their session. Although Maycie was too little to do so, I'm sure that she would have if she could! Brayden was a blast, and Alexia happened to hit it off with our daughter whom she got to meet that day. The entire session was full of running, playing, and just being silly, and how their mom handles it all must make her a superhero! Calm and collected, Mom walked around with all three the entire time, and even got the chance to hop into a couple of photos as well. With kids as playful and sweet as these, being a parent must be three times as enjoyable. Thanks so much to Alexia for making friends with the flowers for a few of the shots, to Brayden for finally warming up and giving me some super sweet expressions, to Maycie who smiled so beautifully for me the whole time, and to their wonderful and gorgeous mom, who brought them all out so that I could photograph them. What a great little family!





View the full album here!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This little boy is so darn cute, it's hard to put it into words! He was perfectly content through our entire session, and kept making the sweetest little faces, including a couple rather funny ones. His parents may well be one of the most good-looking couples I've ever seen too, and I made certain to get some fantastic family photos of them all together, and even include their adorable little family dog in the mix as well. Micah's session was full of fun, and I hope to get the chance to do more portraits of this little guy when he gets older. Thanks, Micah!






See Micah's full album here!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

{Troy + Michelle}

Troy and Michelle's wedding wasn't only gorgeous and classy, but it was deeply personal and a truly touching day. Surrounded by friends and family, as well as their lovely children with whom they shared a special dedication during the ceremony, they made their big day special and unforgettable. We wish them all the best, and would like to thank them both for allowing us to be a part of their wedding day. Congratulations, Troy and Michelle!














See Troy and Michelle's full wedding album here!

Monday, August 31, 2009


Tina has been a good friend for several years, so when we both realized we were pregnant, it was super exciting. But it wasn't until we realized that we also had the same due date that it got really interesting! It was so fantastic to be around to see Tina through her pregnancy, and get to be the one to capture her maternity portraits. Strangely enough, we both just had our babies recently, and as it turned out, we delivered on the same day: July 14th. We were both 5 days overdue. Ah, coincidence! Congratulations to Tina and Daryl and their new little girl, Alyssa. We can't wait for her to have play dates with our little Daphne!








See more of Tina's beautiful belly here!