Monday, September 21, 2009

{Eli + CJ}

Honestly, these two just charmed my camera lens right off. With those golden curls, Eli's sure to be a heartbreaker before he's ever in school, and CJ, the brand new baby brother, has a sweet and calm personality with deep, thoughtful eyes. Together, they were two of the handsomest little men I've ever done portraits for. CJ even wore his little onesie that said "Born At Home With Love" on it, which happened to be made for Mama by a friend in honor of her decision to plan a home birth for CJ, which of course, went wonderfully. I got to talk and hang out with Mom throughout our session as well, while she fed CJ or switched Eli's clothes, and I have to say that she is a simply wonderful person to chat with. Relaxed and composed {which is difficult with little ones!} it was so nice to have some "mom chat" while we went through our session. With CJ planning to do the Sprout Up Portraits, I just can't wait to see how big he gets for his 6 month session!






See the full album here!

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