Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Thanks to all of our clients, who have showered us with well wishes and warm thoughts, as well as our photography friends who we cherish so dearly, we've undergone a huge transition from Starshine Imagery to Divine Image Photography.

Adding a few new photographers [although we still have our primaries] as well as some great new ideas and availability times, we're thrilled to introduce our new creative endeavor to all of you! We are also constructing a brand new website to reflect all our fun and fantastic changes so that you can enjoy your images and memories even more.

We're now back up and running with brand new specials and packages for everyone, and a special token of thanks for every person who has stood beside us through all the tumultuous times. We're so excited to embark on our new creative journey with all of you, and we hope that we can continue to help in preserving your precious memories for a lifetime.

Our heartfelt thanks go out to each and every person who has kept our families in their thoughts as well as the family of Rachel Leek, who will be forever in our hearts and memories. Your thoughts and prayers are so greatly appreciated. We simply can not thank everyone enough for all the kindness we have received. Please, continue to send those warm thoughts, especially to Rachel's family. It means the world to us!

As always, our main focus is our clients. To this day, when others ask what got us started, and what inspired us to choose photography as an integral part of our lives, we always respond with this: people. Each and every person is different. Every individual is truly unique. And every moment is incomparable. Our lives are fulfilled by preserving those moments for you, and capturing every special memory so that you can enjoy it for a lifetime. Just as each memory is priceless, each image is divine. And so are you!

Thank you so much for helping us continue in our path of making your moments, your memories, and your images, truly divine.

With Love,
Divine Image Photography

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